
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Autodesk announces new features coming to AutoCAD WS

At the start of Autodesk University 2011 Autodesk announced the new features coming to the next release of AutoCAD WS. There are three new major features that they announced:

  • 3D Support 
  • GPS Integration 
  • Plot to Print from Mobile 

  • These three new features are very exciting from a user’s perspective, like me. The 3D support will allow users to view and share three dimensional objects in DWG files.

    The GPS integration is said to allow users to position themselves inside their designs when out on a site visit! That’s amazing if it really works that well. We will have to wait and field test it. This is a huge deal for all sorts of design professionals and DIY’ers. I can take a set of civil engineering drawings and visit a site. I could then, depending on the accuracy of your GPS unit in your mobile device, collect locations of existing fire hydrants, valves, sidewalks, trees, buildings, etc. I’m skeptical on this because I know how inaccurate mobile devices are with regards to GPS. However, it could be accurate enough for many field location tasks.

    The ability to print from a mobile device is not a game changer but a good feature to have especially when collaborating out of the office with a tablet and AutoCAD WS. I feel that the real use of this feature will be limited. If I am collaborating with an uploaded DWG file then printing it is not a problem once I return to my desk, where my printer is. If I am collaborating with another user then they already have access to the file. Since they have access they will be able to print the drawing as much as they want to. I can print to my mobile device to my home or work printer (Yes I’m a geek) but I have yet to need to use that feature. That being said, having the ability to print from AutoCAD WS if the need arises is a good thing.

      I am anxious to see these new features in place. There is no word (as of this writing) which, if not all, of these new features will be available on the Web Application (the website) or just on the mobile apps (for iOS and Android). I doubt that the GPS will be needed in the web app unless users plan on using it on a laptop, ok, so maybe the GPS but then the laptop would need a GPS radio. The Print from Mobile feature is rather obvious; besides, the Web App can already print. However, the 3D object abilities better be applied to both the mobile app and the web app. Then there is the stand alone Mac only version. I’m sure it will get whatever the Web App gets. By the way Autodesk, when is the Windows standalone version coming?

    Inventor Fusion coming to Mac First Quarter 2012

    Autodesk’s Inventor Fusion is coming to Apple’s Mac computer. Not surprised. Autodesk has been slowly recreating some of their most popular design programs to be used on the Mac. And I do mean recreate. Like it or not Autodesk is going Mac. Regardless of what it means for Windows users, Autodesk is doing things the right way. Starting with AutoCAD for Mac, then AutoCAD LT for Mac and then with Inventor Fusion for Mac, Autodesk started over. They did not create a port to Mac from Windows. They reused what code they could but made Inventor Fusion (and the others) a native Mac program. That’s good. Now I wish they would rewrite the Windows versions!

    Friday, November 18, 2011

    Autodesk Sketchbook Mobile Android app available for free today through Amazon App Store

    The Autodesk Sketchbook Mobile Android app is free today (only) through the Amazon App Store (only in the U.S.A.)  It is normally priced at $1.99 (quit being cheap and purchase it) but not today!  If you just picked up an Amazon Kindle Fire download this app right now!!!!!  If you have any Android device and have access to the Amazon App Store download this app right now!!  It is a great app and has been voted as one of the best mobile apps for Android (and iOS) many times by several different groups.  Including CAD-a-Blog.
     If you don't have access to the Amazon App store but live in the U.S.A and have an Android device, you can get access to the store.  Go to and visit the App Store Page.  There will be directions on how to download and install the App Store App.  Or click HERE for directions.

    Once installed you will have access to many Android Apps.  The big deal is that Amazon has a free app of the day every day.  Most of the time is just a simple two dollar (U.S.) game.  Other times it is a really great app like Sketchbook Mobile or Office Suite (which typically retails for $14.99 U.S.D.)

    Check it out.  You may find something you like.

    If your Android device doesn't have a mobile number, or you are having

    issues using their proposed method as shown, try visiting this website:

    It will help you install the app store. Enjoy.

    Wednesday, November 16, 2011

    I wish I was this awesome!

    Nothing important here just a video that all geeks should watch.

    You are welcome.

    Star Wars, A new Hope in four minutes set to AC/DC's Thunderstruck!

    Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    Learning AutoCAD LT 2012 - the Training Video is now available

    Do you want to learn how to use Autodesk's AutoCAD LT 2012 CAD software?  You are in luck.  Infinite Skills has just published my latest training video, Learning AutoCAD LT 2012.

    This training video has 108 lessons lasting a total of 12.5 hours long!!!  Each lesson is designed to teach you how to use AutoCAD LT.  The lessons are thorough, and deliberate.  They build upon each other.  Many of the chapters have a final project at the end where you will apply what you have learned.  These projects build upon each other too.  The video ends in a final project where you will create the plans for a small movie house.  It's a simple design, but through it you will learn AutoCAD LT 2012.

    These training classes use broadcast quality audio and video to deliver concise and informative training right to your desktop.  You can watch the videos on a Mac or a PC.  The lessons are self paced and repeatable.  Go back as many times as you need to to make certain you understand the material.   Pause the video while you work in AutoCAD LT.  All example files are provided for your use.  Many of the examples and projects have a completed version for your review as well.  That way you can compare your work and to verify that you have been working correctly.  

    Thursday, November 3, 2011

    TurboCAD Pro and Platinum Update now available

    The version 18.2 update for TurboCAD Pro and TurboCAD Pro Platinum is now available.

    Download it here:  TurboCAD 18 Updates

    A full list of fixes is available here:  TurboCAD 18.2 Update List

    Some of the items fixed are:

    • UI. Many icons-buttons are missing in 3D objects fly-out toolbar in Drawing tools toolbar.
    • Config. House Wizard toolbar is missing in Customize/Toolbar page for 1024x768pro and 1024x768pro_pre18 configurations.
    • Markers missing from the Architectural toolbar and menu in the default desktop.
    • Angular Ray, Horizontal Ray and Vertical Ray are missing in the Construction toolbar.
    • Purge. It is necessary to forbid using Purge tool in Edit Block Content mode. It can lead to Unhandled exception.
    • Viewports in Quality render mode are printed incorrectly from TurboCAD v18.
    • Slab not able to scale brush patterns
    • Dimension Leader disappears.
    • Revision Cloud tool missing from Both the Pro and Deluxe default desktops.
    • Markers Tools are missing from the Architectural Pulldown Menu in Default Desktop configuration
    • Markers Toolbar missing from Toolbars dialog list.
    • Objects in the "uvnurbsboth.3ds" file are invisible in Wireframe render mode.
    • Dialog messaging needs to be changed related to CR#8067
    • TCW file crashes when saving to DWG/DXF.
    • Unhandled exception at TCW export of DWG drawing from ACAD with mesh objects
    • Crash TurboCad when switch to Model Space in "Mechanic with drafting.tcw"
    • CGM. Unhandled Exception message appears when saving the file with raster Image to CGM format, if the raster Image is located on the large area.
    • DWG Double-Line Width not saving properly after edit and close.
    • mirror copy of groups produces incorrect reference point
    • Multiple Crash System Reported Bug Fixes

    Tuesday, November 1, 2011

    AutoCAD Isometrics WS Technology Preview Now Available

    Autodesk Labs is at it again!!  Today they released yet another Labs Technology Preview called AutoCAD Isometrics WS.

    This Technology Preview is a cloud based service for creating, sharing, storing and viewing isometric drawings. It has the ability to design and collaborate across desktop, web, and mobile devices with full DWG file type compatibility.  There is a catch, you need a PCF file to upload.  A PCF file can be created from Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD Plant 3D and other 3d parry applications.  Upload the file and let the cloud do the processing for you.  That's the idea anyway.

    To get started, go to the AutoCAD Isometrics WS login page.  Sign in (or sign up then sign in) and get started. Once in the process is quite simple.  Select your PCF file to upload, establish your Isometric styles, and create.  Once complete you will have a DWG file to play with.  Your files can be saved in Autodesk Cloud or you can download them.

    AutoCAD Isometrics WS is a simple tool to use that can save you much time and effort.  Since it's in the cloud it will save you on resources and effort.  If you don't have access to a PCF file, Labs will supply you with one to try it out.  Ursula Sadiq has put together a video preview for you to look at.

    Autodesk Labs is looking for feedback on this preview.  Try it out, kick the tires and let them know what you think.  If it's garbage let them know.  If's it fantastic, let them know.  Just follow the feedback links from the labs.