
Friday, June 20, 2008

What's in a Name?

Well, I've wanted CAD-a-Blog to have its own domain name for some time. Its easy enough to do. I was all set to sign up, but guess what, is taken!!! It's a Japanese website, and its in Japanese so I can't read it.

I sat down, and came up with some other ideas and thought I'd bring it to you, the readers. So, I put a poll on the side. Pick the one you like and after about a week or so I'll let you know which one was picked. It doesn't mean tat is going to be the new name, but I wanted some input.

If you have an idea for a new name that isn't on the list post it here in a comment, or e-mail me.

Tanks for the help.



  1. I thought about voting for "Will CAD for food", except, I might use it someday as I literally do help friends with CADD issues in exchange for meals.

  2. That's a good deal. My wife was the one that came up with that one.
