
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mobile blogger

I want to post to my existing blog from my mobile device.

Thank you.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre


  1. Well that is a nifty trick. Now I have to go see if I can pull the same thing off on my site.

    Actually my recent interests have turned towards creating a mobile version of my site. One day ... I will discover the clues that will lead me to the hidden gold of the Incas. No wait, that is the other project.

    - KFD -

  2. Thanks, but that wasn't what I expected. I thought that I was activating the service! It seems, now that I think about it, that I activated mobile blogging when I started the blog, but forgot that I did. I did not have a good phone for mobile blogging. My Palm Pre works great and I plan on posting on the run from time to time. Next week I will be in San Francisco for an Autodesk Special Event. I will be able to blog on the go during the meeting!
