
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Weekend Rant

I haven't had a good rant in a while so here goes.  I haven't had a good post in a while either, but we'll see what we can do about that.

I love tech.  I can't help it.  That means that I love the internet.  There are so many tools out there, that are free, that most of us can use in our professional careers.  The internet is not just a toy, it is a tool.  Why can't I get clients and coworkers to use it?  I understand not wanting to use tools that cost money.  But when there are so many free (yes free) collaboration tools available to us, why not use them?  There are also so many free production and group tools out there that many users would never have to purchase an office suite of software.

Let me give you an example.  My son.  He's 14.  I am very proud of my son for many reasons.  Today I bravely ventured into his room to let him know that lunch was ready and guess what I caught him doing?  His science fair project!  I was shocked, but not because he was doing his homework, but because he was collaborating with three other students!  Each of them were at home working on their individual projects, getting advice from each other and bouncing ideas off of one another!  All of this was done via their webcams and the internet!  It was a real live video chat study hall!  BUT, every time I mention or suggest that we use similar technology at work, I'm looked at as if I am crazy!  Well, in their defense, I am

My son is also a member of an Odyssey of the Mind team.  They are using Google Groups and Documents to  collaborate their data, scripts and ideas.  Since this is in the cloud, each member has full access to everything at any time.  It is reducing the number of meetings, keeps the data secure, and allows each team member to contribute when they have the time, no matter where they are.

My rant?  If students in middle school are using internet collaboration tools and the cloud to get their work done, will we have the skills needed to stay ahead of them when they join the workforce?  I know I'm going to make sure I can compete.  I want to stay relevant because I need a job.


  1. The main reason most knowledgeable people I know refuse to use these sites is security. You never know where the info might show up. (Google is a prime example)

  2. I would admit that these examples can be vary open or unsure. But the underlying idea here is intriguing. If any of us use the internet, then we are using cloud based technology and tools. Is a locally based system really more secure than a cloud based system? For many small businesses, I would tend to believe that a Cloud Service would be more secure than a local network. The main reason is the lack of personnel that can really handle a system. Many small companies do not want the expense of an IT manager. They aren't billable. They do keep things running. Many times the need for IT support is only perceived when there is an issue. Therefore, if everything seems to be working at the moment, then there is no need for IT. That's not necessarily true.
