
Monday, June 27, 2011

Ideas for AutoCAD

Has Autodesk has run out of ideas for improving AutoCAD?  Not likely.  However, they are interested in the ideas of their users.  They better be.  The users are the one's using the software.  Say what you will about Autodesk but they have made a great effort in trying to reach out to their clients for input.  Not a month goes by where I don't receive an email about a new survey they are conducting.  Not a day goes by where Autodesk hasn't reached out via social media in one way or another.  

Autodesk has realized that the internet is a great tool for providing information to clients.  That's an easy discovery to make.  They have also discoverd that the internet is an even greater tool for collecting information.  Autodesk has asked for emails, beta testing, surveys, telephone calls and more in the past.  Now they have set up a website using Google Moderator called Ideas for AutoCAD.  Google Moderator is a site where people (or companies) can set up a way for readers to provide thoughts, feedback, and ideas.  

How odes it work?  Google Moderator lets you set up a series about anything you want or are interested in.  It provides a means for other interested people to submit questions, ideas or suggestions.  Anyone can come to the site and submit a question or comment.  They can even vote on submissions.  You can set up multiple topics or go with a single topic.  

Autodesk is trying this out.  They want your thoughts and ideas on AutoCAD, for MAC and Windows.  If you have a killer idea that will make AutoCAD better, stop on by and submit your idea.  If you have a question, stop on by.  While there, check out some other people's ideas and thoughts.  Vote on them, or not. Comment on them, or not.  It's up to you.

Autodesk takes these things seriously.  I suggest you go and participate.  Even if you feel you don't have a great idea, vote on the ideas that are there.  

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