
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

First Ever CAD-a-Blog CAD Swag Giveaway is Coming!

I like contests.  I especialy like contests that are easy to play.  Well here at we have some CAD related things that we need to get rid of, or so I'm told.  Stay tuned for contest details.

This contest will be easy.  It serves three purposes; clean my closet, increase this blogs exposure, and getsome great CAD training materials in the hands of our readers.

So stay tuned...

Monday, July 25, 2011

AUGI HotNews Writers Wanted

I have been writing for AUGI for a long time now. Recently I served as the AUGI World AutoCAD Content Manager. That torch has been passed on to Curt Moreno, and the Kung Fu Drafter. I am now the AUGI HotNews content manager. I am looking for potential writers. You must be a member AUGI and are willing to volunteer your time to write. If you are interested please contact me and we will figure out what to do next.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Autodesk wants your thoughts on the ribbon in AutoCAD

The AutoCAD Team is looking for your feedback on Ribbon usage, customization, and satisfaction.
You can help to shape the future of the Ribbon by filling out this online survey from Autodesk.  It took me about 5 minutes to fill out but it could take some as much as 10.  If you love or hate the Ribbon, or just parts of it, take the time to fill out the survey.

Autodesk does care about its users and wants to know how you use its products.  This is a good chance to voice your opinion about the Ribbon.

Do you think they will get rid of it in AutoCAD 2013?

 Please submit your requests for Ribbon enhancements to the AutoCAD team by taking this survey:

Sunday, July 3, 2011

AutoCAD 2012 & AutoCAD LT 2012 Bible - Review

New versions of AutoCAD mean new version of AutoCAD books.  Once again Wiley  Publishing, Inc.( ) has released an updated version of Ellen Finkelstein's AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Bible.  This version, AutoCAD 2012 & AutoCAD LT 2012 Bible, has been revised to reflect the additional features added to AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 2012.  Once again Ellen Finkelstein ( has given readers a comprehensive reference manual on AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. 

The AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 Bible starts with a Quick Start chapter that gives the reader in introduction to AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.  From there, the author provides an in-depth look at AutoCAD.  The book covers all of the basics needed to use AutoCAD.  It also contains enough advanced material to make an expert out of the reader.  The AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 Bible is a complete reference and tutorial.  Beginners can use this book to learn AutoCAD from scratch.  Intermediate users can become advanced users.  Advanced users can use this book as a reference tool to find and know all of the ins and outs of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. 

AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 Bible has 1296 pages.  It is to be release in July of 2011.  Wiley and Ellen Finkelstein have published versions of this book since AutoCAD release 14 and every release since.  This release will not disappoint.  It covers the basics of using AutoCAD, the advanced additions to its 3D modeling tools, and the book even covers programming in LISP for AutoCAD and in VBA.  The paperback book comes with a DVD that contains before and after drawings for each tutorial.  The sections of the books are marked so that the reader will immediate know when a feature is new to release 2012.  There are also icons that mark when a feature is only found in AutoCAD and not in AutoCAD LT.  There are other icons throughout the book that provide other guidance in the use of AutoCAD.  Tips and tricks that the author has discover and developed throughout her carrier are provided making the lessons thorough, practical and valuable.

AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 Bible is available in paperback from Wiley Publishing.  At the time this review was written it did not appear Wiley was providing a digital version for publishing.  The book is available for purchase through many online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  Barnes and Noble does provide an e-book version for their e-reader the Nook, though the electronic version was priced higher than the paper back version.  Amazon did not have a version for their e-reader, the Kindle.

I recommend purchasing the AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 for any AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT user, from anyone learning the program for the first time to the advanced CAD Manager.  The tutorials and examples make learning AutoCAD as simple as possible.  The cross references and appendices make it a fantastic reference book.  The content is thorough and complete.  Anything any user of any experience ever needs to know about AutoCAD can find it in this book.

I would rate this book as a must have purchase for any AutoCAD user!