
Monday, July 18, 2011

Autodesk wants your thoughts on the ribbon in AutoCAD

The AutoCAD Team is looking for your feedback on Ribbon usage, customization, and satisfaction.
You can help to shape the future of the Ribbon by filling out this online survey from Autodesk.  It took me about 5 minutes to fill out but it could take some as much as 10.  If you love or hate the Ribbon, or just parts of it, take the time to fill out the survey.

Autodesk does care about its users and wants to know how you use its products.  This is a good chance to voice your opinion about the Ribbon.

Do you think they will get rid of it in AutoCAD 2013?

 Please submit your requests for Ribbon enhancements to the AutoCAD team by taking this survey:


  1. I dislike everything about the ribbon. It is graphically slow and cumbersome. It adds more steps and clicks to normal work processes.

  2. It sounds like this survey is right up your alley! Tell them how you feel. Tell them what's wrong with the ribbon. What version of AutoCAD are you using? AutoCAD 2009 ribbon was bad. It was slow to respond and it was new. Later versions got better. 2012 Ribbon responds quite well. I mostly use the command line and supplement with the ribbon so I prefer it to toolbars. You can pull out panels of the ribbon and use them as toolbars if you want. I like it because I don't have to hunt for toolbars. The ribbon is always in the same place.

  3. Thanks for the post. I have also found as the ribbon has developed over the last few issues of AutoCAD and that it has improved to some extent. Although I am also primarily a command line user, I find the more I use it the better the experience becomes so maybe its just a matter of time for you, mile high blogger. Having said that, the vast majority of people I work with who have used it invariably ask how they can have the old interface back! I'm off to take the survey and have my two pence worth....
