
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Autodesk Releases then Retracts SP1 for AutoCAD 2013

Earlier this week Autodesk released SP1 (Service Pack 1) for AutoCAD 2013.  Now it has been removed.  According to Autodesk’s Services and Support website the service pack was taken down temporarily because a “newly discovered fatal error” was found.  OOPS!!!

Autodesk is working on it, feverishly I would imagine, and hopes to have a new Service Pack posted soon.

Question; Will this service pack be Service Pack 1A or Service Pack 2?  Maybe Service Pack 1.1.  Maybe it will be Service Pack 1 Service Pack 1.

We will have to wait and see.


  1. I think it is going to be the sequel to the prequel of the update to Service Pack Alpha 1.

    Or maybe they will just call it the same thing. Who knows?

    - KFD -

  2. So everyone who installed it now has to reinstall AutoCAD from scratch....way to go to win customer's support and loyalty!!!!

  3. At least it was caught right away. I'm not sure how this slipped through beta testing though.

  4. Yeah I am not so sure how much "testing" Autodesk does. I have had SP fix some things yet break other things.
