
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Announcing Autodesk Revit LT

Autodesk announced the coming release of Autodesk Revit LT, a smaller version of Autodesk’s BIM Platform Revit.  Revit LT is a graduate of Autodesk Labs.  It was formerly known as Project Spark.  (

Revit LT is a slimmed down version of Revit. Autodesk has a Compare Revit LT and Revit matrix on the Features page of the Revit LT site.   Most things are there.  Here is a short list of “missing” functions or tools:

  • Construction Modeling-Parts & Assemblies
  • Stair by Sketch
  • Structural Modeling-Truss & Reinforcement
  • In-Place Modeling
  • Conceptual Massing, Adaptive Components
  • Photorealistic Rendering Within the Product
  • Interference Check, Copy/Monitor
  • Worksharing
  • Autodesk 360 Energy Analysis for Autodesk Revit
  • Third-Party API

Here is a link to Autodek’s full comparison matrix in PDF format:

It seems that Autodesk is positioning Revit LT as a stepping stone for designers to go from 2D design platforms to a full fledged 3D platform and/or to a BIM process.  Autodesk senior vice president, information modeling products, Amar Hanspal said,

Autodesk Revit LT reflects our commitment to provide architects, designers and building professionals, particularly those in small firms, the tools they need to ease the transition to get started with—and take advantage of—a BIM workflow. With Revit LT, customers can deliver higher-quality, more accurate designs and documentation—allowing them to bring projects to market faster and save time and money

Autodesk Revit LT is built from Revit, so it works just like Revit.  It’s the same thing with AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD.  They are the same, use the same files; the LT version is simply missing some parts.  Revit LT adds another LT product to the Autodesk line.  There is AutoCAD LT, Inventor Fusion LT, and now Revit LT.  Hopefully next Autodesk will bring us Civil3D LT!!

Autodesk Revit LT is set to be available within the next month in North America and in other countries around the world.  Revit LT will be a standalone product and will also be part of the AutoCAD Revit LT Suite 2013.  According to the Revit LT site, a free 30 day trial will be available on September 18th, 2012.

So what will it cost?  According to the stand alone price will be $1200 (MSRP in USD) and the AutoCAD Revit Suite 2013 will coast $1500 (MSRP USD).  Not bad really.

Link to Press Release from Autodesk Announcing Revit LT 2013


  1. "... Hopefully next Autodesk will bring us Civil3D LT!!..." please noooooo....hopefully they will just concentrate on getting rid of the bugginess in the "real" version and improve its interoperability with previous versions etc......and don't get me started on Mac versions of the software...!!!

  2. Ok NeilJ, you make a good point. I use Civil3D every day at my day job and crashing is a daily happening. Yes Autodesk, fix it. Do you think other Autodesk programs have suffered since Autodesk has restarted their Mac versions? Or perhaps even all of their mobile apps? Should they drop those programs and concentrate on the full fledged CAD and BIM programs? Just curious.

  3. I wonder if this is available in my country now. Heard that Autodesk Revit LT has no work-sharing which is huge disadvantage for me.
