
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend Rant

Newton’s Three Laws of Motion are:

•    First Law: An object at rest tends to stay at rest, or if it is in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by a sum of physical forces.
•    Second Law: A body will accelerate with acceleration proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass.
•    Third Law: Every action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

These are true in more than mechanics and physics applications.  They are true for life.  If we tend to do less and less, we will eventually tend to do nothing.  If we do more and more, we will tend to do even more. 
The problem with doing more and more, is that eventually we run out of energy, and time.  If you aren’t moving, you have stopped moving right?  And I have said many times, that the quickest way to get things done is to have less to do.  We all have a breaking point, a limit, a place where our cups are full and runneth over.  The trick, is to find your place in life where you are constantly using up what is in your cup, but at the same rate, pouring what you need, back into it.  A state of equilibrium.  To add another indium, What goes in, comes out.

So, what do you want to get out of your endeavors?  What ever it is, that’s what you should be putting into your life.  If you want more money, then you must put more time and effort into earning it.  If you want a better relationship with your spouse, put more time and resources into your spouse.  The same goes with your children.  I believe that we were sold a bill of goods years ago when we were told that Quality Time was most important between parents and children.  I agree that the time we spend should be of high quality, but I also believe we need to spend a large quantity of time with them as well.  That’s not always possible, I understand, believe me I understand the time problem we all have, but the more time your children spend with you, the less time they are spending getting into trouble.  Even better, the more time they are with you, they are learning.  If they are with somebody else, then you stop teaching them, those people or influences in their lives are the ones teaching your child about adulthood.

I’m way off topic here today, but read the tag (it says Off Topic.)  Time is our most valuable resource.  It’s the one resource that we are equally blessed.  We all have right now.  Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow, or the next day.  We are guaranteed right now.  What are your plans for right now?  Your CAD life is no different.  What are your plans for your CAD life?  Are you satisfied with your skills and knowledge of the CAD field?  If so, then I hope you have saved enough for the future because CAD will always be in a state of change.  Every release of software will provide new things.  I don’t care if it’s better or not than its predecessor, it’s going to be different.  It is up to us to learn what is new.

You will be left behind, regardless if you like the software or not.  Others in your field will be using it and you won’t be working at all.  Change happens.  Embrace it or get out of the way.

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